Gilbert, AZ Real Estate Market Stats for 85296 Zip Code
For Oct 6, 2022
This week the median list price for single-family homes for Gilbert, Arizona, for zip code 85296, is $562,500, with the market action index (MAI) hovering around 30. This is less than last month's market action index of 43. Inventory has increased to 140 homes. The market has been cooling over time, and prices have recently flattened. Despite the decrease in the MAI, we are in a Seller's Market. If the MAI begins to climb, prices will likely follow suit. If the MAI drops or falls into the Buyer's zone, watch for downward pressure on prices. We are going into our selling season between Oct-May. Most sellers wait until after the holidays to place their property on the market; I suggest putting it on the market in October due to less competition. If you are considering selling, contact the Lucky Duck, Michelle Quackenbush. :-)
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